Pets In The House Can Send Bills Through The Woof

Released on: September 21, 2012, 1:10 pm
Industry: Consumer Services

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- The days of pets living outside are over with nearly 90 per cent of NSW residents giving their furry friends free rein of the house, according to research by NRMA Insurance*.

Dogs and cats are definitely best friends to many, but according to Tracy Woodley from NRMA Insurance, it seems most people prefer to keep their pets indoors some or most of the time - potentially putting their pets and belongings at risk.

"We've seen unfortunate cases where a pet's foot has broken from a door opening on it or where a dog has tugged on the power cord of an expensive plasma TV and pulled it off its stand," she said. "You should keep all your special items where they can't be reached, and properly secure electronic cords so your cat or dog doesn't inadvertently cause havoc."

The insurer also warned pet owners to be extra vigilant to help reduce the likelihood of injury to their pets while they're indoors. "Keeping your pets
indoors is generally very safe but it's far from foolproof. Simple measures such as keeping household cleaning products out of reach will help keep nosey dogs and cats safe," Ms Woodley said.

NRMA Insurance home claims involving pets over the past year include:
- An excited dog injured itself and caused damage to the home after running through a glass sliding door
- The family cat sleeping on the stairs injured its leg after a family member coming down the stairs stepped on him
- A dog wound-up by what was on TV required a trip to the vet after jumping onto the TV unit and injuring her leg on the way back down

Should the worst happen and your dog or cat is injured in an accident, or they accidentally damage valuables in your home, the NRMA Insurance Pet Lover's Pack can provide cover to help with vet bills and replacing your home contents**.

For more information on the NRMA Insurance Pet Lover's Pack visit:

Media contact:
Damien Butler
+61 (0)411 014 688

* Based on a survey of NSW households by Pure Profile Research in November 2011.

** Pet Lover's Pack is an option on NRMA Home Contents Insurance. Option does not cover damage caused by chewing, biting or scratching. Cover for veterinary expenses is limited to $2,000 per policy period. To see if our Home Insurance is right for you, always read the Product Disclosure Statement from the product issuer, NRMA Insurance.

About NRMA
NRMA Insurance offers a range of products including comprehensive motor insurance, home and contents insurance, CTP Greenslips, home security, lifestyle and travel insurance and business insurance. NRMA Insurance manage the insurance needs of millions of customers throughout Australia.

Contact Details: Contact NRMA:
NRMA Insurance Corporate Affairs Team,
Reply Paid 62759,
Sydney, NSW, 2001,
Phone: +61 (0)2 9292 9742