80% of educated professionals not know what they want?
Released on
= March 23, 2005, 5:45 am
Press Release
Author =
Industry = Financial
Press Release
Summary = March 15 2005- Austin, TX – When 103 smart, very
successful professionals from the high-tech world walked into the
seminar room, they were asked what they wanted out of life. 85 of
them answered:
-I do not know.
Does this mean that professionals are not clear anymore about their
Press Release
Body = “Tune In - How to achieve Clarity and Focus for successful
living” by Zakaria Kouloughli
For Immediate
Release - April 1, 2005
Vera Carvalho, Publicist
Zakaria Kouloughli
Hm/Off(512) 258-9333
Mobile (512) 947-4967
Do 80% of educated
professionals not know what they want?
March 15 2005- Austin, TX – When 103 smart, very successful
professionals from the high-tech world walked into the seminar room,
they were asked what they wanted out of life. 85 of them answered:
- I do not know.
Does this mean that professionals are not clear anymore about their
In his book,
Zakaria Kouloughli, expert on clarity explains the seven hidden
meaning of the answer: I do not know.
“In my
experience, most people are clear about what they DO NOT want in
their lives but no so clear about what they want”, explains
the clarity guru.
In his book,
“Tune in”, Kouloughli invites his audience to revisit
their lives and shows them the tools to attain clarity.
people wait for clarity to fall down from the sky, you do that and
your waiting becomes avoidance.” The clarity expert says.
He explains
clarity is nice to have but it is rare. “Only natural achievers
show enviable clarity but for the majority of people they must develop
The Algerian
born executive, who made America home, says in order to reach your
desired goal, you have to know what it is first.
“How in
the world can people think about creating results in their lives,
while 80% of them do not even know what it is?”
Also author
of Success Engineering: The Art of Creating Incredible Results,
Kouloughli, not content to just champion a new vision, he plans
to lead the
self-help market by selling 100,000 copies of his new book.
is available for speaking and consulting and could be reached at
Kouloughli is
President of Success Force Training, a company dedicated to training
executives and public officials for success.
Kouloughli is
a Mechanical Engineer and earned an MBA from St. Edward’s
University in Austin.
In - How to achieve Clarity and Focus for successful living”
will be available on starting April 30th 2005, and you
can currently
order an ebook copy online for just $6.95 at :
Hard Cover Cost: $12.95.
Web Site =
Contact Details
= Vera Carvalho, Publicist
Zakaria Kouloughli
Hm/Off(512) 258-9333
Mobile (512) 947-4967
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