DJ Finds Reverse Speech in Michael Jackson’s Recent Radio
Released on
= March 29, 2005, 3:42 pm
Press Release
Author = Corey Deitz
Industry = Media
Press Release
Summary = A morning DJ from Little Rock, Corey Deitz, has uncovered
what he believes are several examples of what is known as “reverse
speech” in some recent audio from Michael Jackson’s
appearance on the Reverend Jesse Jackson’s radio
Press Release
Body = A morning DJ from Little Rock, Corey Deitz, has uncovered
what he believes are several examples of what is known as “reverse
speech” in some recent audio from Michael Jackson’s
appearance on the Reverend Jesse Jackson’s radio show.
extremely interesting and plain weird,” says Deitz who used
sophisticated editing equipment to reverse and change the pitch
of some of Jackson’s comments.
For instance,
in one cut Jackson says “...The fact that I know I'm innocent”
But when the audio is reversed it appears Jackson speaks about the
evidence and says, “...They should have known that I had enough
In another instance,
Jackson says, "...I'm a strong person. I'm a warrior...".
But when the audio is reversed, “I’m a Warrior”
turns into “You’re a woman”.
There are two
other examples of reverse speech and all of it can be heard at Deitz’s
website, radioEARTH.
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= Corey Deitz
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