Sizzles with Custom Apparels, Tees, Cuts and Styles with Messages and Symbols from All over the World

Released on = May 30, 2005, 11:13 pm

Press Release Author = Messages and Symbols

Industry = Apparel & Fashion

Press Release Summary = Anything but the Traditional Old Tee-Shirt: Say It Loud in Black and White with a Message or a Symbol

Press Release Body = Los Angeles, CA -- Messages & Symbols
( is a Los Angeles based clothing company that provides sweatshop-free, environmental friendly and “Made in the USA” style for people who want to send a message with fashion.

“We created Messages & Symbols to serve thousands of consumers with the unique appetite for messages and symbols on their clothing, jewelry, mugs, key chains, glasses, cars,” says Jerey Ojeah, President and Founder of Messages & Symbols. “Messages & Symbols clothing are all 100% organic comb cotton for the utmost comfort with a wide global appeal,” explains Ms Ojeah.

Messages & Symbols apparel appeals to everyone and anyone looking for a gift to send to a friend or a loved one. Think of that friend of yours in New York who gets your message or symbol in a great-looking Tee-Shirt that simply say’s "Someone in Los Angeles Loves Me." Think of the day when you get a gift sent from New York, Miami, London or Paris -- a gift in a message you can actually wear and enjoy doing so.

Maybe your message is your Zodiac sign, a way to spark a conversation with people you would normally be too shy to approach. Maybe you want to tell the world "Hello," or "Shalom," or "Blessed." Maybe you want an ice-breaker on your Tee-shirt. Here’s a favorite: "Talk is Cheap, Unless You’re Talking to a Lawyer."

Some days you may want to be left alone. Give the world your message that says "Sometimes Silence is a Form of Speech," or perhaps, "It is Better to Be Alone than to Be in Bad Company." Say thanks to mom or to a favorite teacher or coach in a message or symbol of your choice. Our "one liners" line has a full selection of classic quotations along with originals we’ve created just for you.

About Messages and Symbols (

Messages & Symbols is created to serve thousands of consumers with unique appetite for messages and symbols on their clothing, jewelry, mugs, key chains, glasses, cars, etc. The company brings people together looking for trends in messages and symbols that state what and whom they represent.

You can find Messages & Symbols merchandise in specialty stores and boutiques or online at Buyers can fax request for price lists with a resale number to (213) 614-9988, or call (213) 614-1088. For Media Kit, Please e-mail your request to or visit our website at

This press release was issued through GroupWeb EmailWire.Com. For more information on press release distribution, go to

Web Site =

Contact Details = Buyers can fax request for price lists with a resale number to (213) 614-9988, or call (213) 614-1088. For Media Kit, Please e-mail your request to or visit our website at

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