us all make war and terrorism history
Released on
= July 12, 2005, 9:54 am
Press Release
Author = Simon Lee
Industry = Defense
Press Release
Summary = Book 'Spiritual Energy' (ISBN 0755210069 - from all good
bookshops and promoted on stardoxa.com by the author Simon Richard
Lee, and on myriad other web-sites and search engines). The book
proves the One Real God Exists - using science, the Arts and common-sense
to help defuse the current impasse between terrorism and the 'war
on terrorism'. Both sides cannot have God behind them and the author
believes neither side has. They are both wrong - this book presents
a delicious alternative.
Press Release
Body = The terrorists and the backers of the 'war on terrorism'
both justify the conflict by claiming to have God fully behind them.
They cannot both be right. The One Real True God of all faiths hates
violence, according to ALL the great Holy Books of the world, whether
you read in the Koran or Quran, the Bible, the Torah, the Hindu
and Buddhist Vedas, Chinese Taoist philosophy and Confucianism,
etc, etc. Is there a third and middle way between the two sides
in this awful 'war on terrorism', recently striking London after
a 'phoney war' of nearly four years
after '9/11'?
Simon Richard
Lee, a former Scholar in Natural and Computer Sciences of Cambridge
University, England, who has Three Royal Charters in Computer and
Instrument Engineering, believes there is. He has spent the twenty-five
years since he left
Cambridge University working incredibly hard on a complete proof
that God is the same in all religions. He has completely proven
that God exists - using science, the arts, and a thorough analysis
of common factors in Holy Books - and above all, common sense!
New book 'Spiritual
Energy' (ISBN 0755210069, as on his website stardoxa.com and many
other websites and search engines, is 324 pages long and available
at just UK£11.95 (US$17.95) at all good bookshops around the
world - just quote ISBN 0755210069).
This thorough
proof that God exists can only help people - not only to oppose
terrorism, which is just the tip of the iceberg of Religious Intolerance
in the
world today, getting worse and worse by the year. Also it will provide
scientific understanding of 'the divine', which can only help Atheists
and Agnostics come to terms with the Truth that there is a One Real
God, and for people of any faith to gain a closer understanding
of their One True Real God.
Web Site = http://www.stardoxa.com
Contact Details
= 16 Priory Street
SG12 0DA
(+44) 1920 466804
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