Scientist and Christians are both correct about Evolution

Released on = August 8, 2005, 9:55 pm

Press Release Author = John Kuykendall

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = The scientists and the Christian mystics are both correct in their statements about evolution, but differ only in the way they talk about their different stages.

Press Release Body = The oneness of everything in pure consciousness manifest itself into many in matter and then returns back again to the unity of pure consciousness to complete the cycle of evolution. The scientists and the Christian mystics are
both correct in their statements about evolution, but differ only in the way they talk about their different stages. Instead of being opponents in trying to
popularize their different hypothesis, they complement each other, each faction making a contribution to the whole. The book "Evolution of Consciousness" incorporates each faction's thoughts into a more complete synthesis where they are
both correct. The Christian theologians explain evolution from pure consciousness to matter while the scientists explain evolution from matter back to pure
consciousness. They are both explaining different sides of the same theory. The Christians use abstract symbols in the first half of the model because it is beyond the mind while scientists use concrete examples in the second half of the equation because their evolution is about matter, a concrete substance. It is similar to a circle where the Christians use the first half and the scientists use the second half to explain evolution. Below is a diagram of this circle. It shows how pure consciousness which is beyond
duality is one and undivided until it takes on more and more qualities. This pure consciousness takes on qualities until it becomes matter, which can be divided thus becoming two. This model then shows how matter which can be divided evolves back to
pure consciousness where it is once again one and undivided. A detailed explanation of this theory of evolution of pure consciousness to matter and back to pure consciousness is in the book.

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Contact Details =
John Kuykendall
(755) 626-0122
4694 Cheatgrass Ln
Sparks, nevada 89436


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