Educational Genocide; Why Aren’t We Angry
Released on = October 3, 2005, 3:08 am
Press Release Author = Virginia Beach Branch NAACP Education Committee
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = A public Educational Forum addressing the Educational needs
of Black students in both the state of Virginia and Virginia Beach City Public
Schools will be held at Norfolk State University Norfolk Virginia, October 22 2005.
Press Release Body = Panelists for the Virginia Beach NAACP Education Forum, will
represent different prospective on the struggles around the education of African
Americans. National renowned experts, state and local political activists include
Cassandra Archie the founder of Advocates for Educational Equity & Excellence, Dr.
Nicole Francis Williams, with the National NAACP Education Department; Nayo Watkins
of the National Association for African American Children with Learning Disabilities
(NAEAACLD),Mr. Jesse Frierson a Richmond Educational Activists, and R odney Jordan
the Commissioner of the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority and Board of
Directors Urban League of Hampton Roads.
Panelists will have a discussion on a wide range of issues affecting the education
of African Americans students and parents and considered ways in which participants
can use positive interventions to contribute to the academic success of African
American children and youth educational.
This forum will demonstrate a commitment by stakeholders and community organizations
to close achievement gaps and stop the educational genocide of Black students. It
will also bring the much needed attention, to understand the many dimensions of
institutional racism that exist in Virginia Beach Public School and Public School
across the state.
Our panelists will encourage community, political, and spiritual leaders, parents
and educators to have an open dialogue examining the educational discrepancies
facing African American students. The goals for this forum is to increase awareness
of the issues facing African American parents and students; Educate the public about
the solutions and the roles they can play in ensuring all children have access to an
equal and quality educational opportunity.
Participants will have an opportunity to express their collective concerns over the
stated issues from their perspective during a small group break out session which
will be led by the panelists. Collectively, panelists and participants will engage
in a large group interactive experience to brainstorm the implementation of idea’s
shared during the panelist presentations.
This historic event will bring together a wide range of educators, teachers,
administrators, parent activist, students, professors, advocates and community
activists, all committed to creating a new vision for the education future of
African American children and youth.
This Educational Forum will provided an opportunity for networking and sharing of
knowledge about programs and practices that are showing success with African
American children and youth and to consider how to support and sustain these efforts
locally and across the state.
Web Site = http://
Contact Details = Contact: Cheryl Poe, VBNAACP Ed. Com. Chair
Phone: 757-490-7799
Address: Virginia Beach Branch NAACP,
868 Newtown Rd., Bldg. 870 Suite
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
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