Released on = October 4, 2005, 5:11 pm

Press Release Author = Anthony T. Jones, Ph.D.

Industry = Environment

Press Release Summary = MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, USA, OCTOBER 4, 2005—New trends in technologies, changing international environmental policies, pending water supply initiatives along with economic issues and more will be presented at the first annual International Desalination Institute (IDI) Conference to be held in Monterey, California.

Press Release Body = MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, USA, OCTOBER 4, 2005—New trends in technologies, changing international environmental policies, pending water supply initiatives along with
economic issues and more will be presented at the first annual International Desalination Institute (IDI) Conference to be held in Monterey, California.

The conference, scheduled for October 26th to the 28th, will feature international, regional and local speakers who are experts, researchers, educators, policy makers, policy managers, environmentalists and others addressing these global water supply
issues, approaches and solutions.

IDI’s conference speakers will focus primarily on providing information to encourage prudent and responsible development of seawater desalination facilities worldwide. Robert Campbell, IDI’s founder stated that numerous participating international, U.S., regional and local organizations, along with key high profile speakers will be
gathering in anticipation of much needed new water supplies as well as developing educational programs to provide the expertise that will be required in the near future.

In addition to California State, regional and local issues, initiatives and examples of developing desalination programs underway, presentations will also report on developments in Morocco, North Africa, Malta and Singapore.

According to IDI director Anthony Jones, Ph.D., “The conference will provide a forum for discussion of a most pressing human issue – the creation of new secure and sustainable sources of drinking water. The impending challenge to global water supply has created an urgent need for the exchange of information on technology and ideas as well as the need to support education of qualified professionals to manage seawater desalination facilities. He further states, “experts will also need to be prepared to cope with environmental, social, financial and regulatory requirements for the successful development and operation of critical infrastructure.”

According to Dr. Jones, Richard Morris and Tom Pankratz will launch the conference with their views on Global Trends in Desalination. Richard Morris has had a distinguished career specializing in desalination and business development in the energy and environmental sectors. Morris sits on the board of the European
Desalination Society. Tom Pankratz with Global Water Intelligence is the editor of the Water Desalination Report, an international weekly digest on desalination and advanced water treatment. Pankratz sits on the board of the International Desalination Association.

Other noted experts include: Dr. Scott Jenkins, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, a specialist in modeling the discharge from desalination plants; Dr. Brent Haddad, UC Santa Cruz, a eminent water policy expert; Dr. Harvey Winters, Fairleigh Dickinson University, an experienced researcher in biofouling; John MacHarg of the Affordable Desalination Collaboration, a joint industry-government initiative to demonstrate affordable seawater desalination now; Azzedine Elmidaoui, President of the Morrocan Membrane and Desalination Society will discuss the status and trends in desalination in Morocco; Brad Damitz of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary will discuss policy issues.
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The International Desalination Institute, a non-profit organization headquartered in Monterey, California was formed in association with California State University Monterey Bay.

IDI’s conference primary goals include:
1. Advancement of applied research and technology required to improve the economics of seawater desalination worldwide
2. Verifying the long-term environmental impact of such technology
3. Encouraging and supporting development of University educational programs
4. Supporting training of new desalination professionals
5. Educating the next generation of policy makers who will need to deal with seawater desalination as a vital part of society’s infrastructure
6. Providing a catalyst for the gathering of, and communication among, desalination professionals throughout the world

The Institute takes a multidisciplinary approach towards policy and technology development with International participation broadly promoted and supported. The Institute endeavors to carryout its worldwide goals by:
1. Encouraging research, development and appropriate utilization of desalination and seawater desalination technology
2. Exchanging, promoting, communicating and disseminating technical and policy information
3. Serving as a public forum to provide information on subjects related to seawater desalination
4. Encouraging and promoting the establishment of environmentally sound and sustainable desalination practices

IDI Contacts:
Anthony Jones, IDI Mobile (415) 781-5400
Robert Campbell, Oases International Ltd.: Mobile (916) 761-5639
Ricardo de la Cruz, Oases West, Inc.: Mobile (831) 915-4800
Steve Reed, CSUMB: Office (831) 582-3000

Web Site =

Contact Details = Anthony T. Jones, Ph.D.
International Desalination Institute
4800 Golden Foothill Pkwy, Suite 220
El Dorado Hills, CA. 95762
tel: 415 781 5400
fax: 208 693 6019


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