Blogging can help you achieve fast online recognition and significantly expand your online audience in a short amount of time
Released on = January 16, 2006, 8:43 am
Press Release Author = Opportunity Assistance
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Blogs and blogging technology lead to fast online recognition and website traffic. Learn how to maximize your blogging experience.
Press Release Body = Lincoln, NE - January, 16 2006 - Bloggers and internet marketers both want to know how they can bring visitors to their websites. There exist several special tactics involving online technology and tricks to getting your website noticed. Blogs are one of the best ways to implement this technology.
Keith P. Stieneke of Lincoln, Nebraska has been blogging for several years and has steadily seen an increase in his website traffic using blogging and the technologies that are associated with blogging such as rss. Now he wants to share some of the secrets with you. To do this he created Blog Smart Resources at in the early months of 2005. While blogging should not be seen as a catch all method for getting visitors to your website it definitely should be a major component of your total strategy.
Rok Hrastnik states in his article Marketing Optimization 101 for Blogs at , \"Truth be told, most blogs aren\'t really optimized for marketing effectiveness. Even more so, some blogs are absolute marketing machines, but they at the same time fail to fully capitalize on that fact by not being really optimized marketing-wise.\"
One of the reasons for the existence of Blog Smart Resources is to teach readers how to optimize their blogs in order that they reach the largest possible market. Blog Smart Resources at does that through feeds from their blog that contain research and information about websites, resources and bloggers who are doing well in their website promotion. In addition there are RSS feeds from forums where articles about blogging, rss technology, and new technologies incorporating blogging are published weekly.
In order to get the most out of Blog Smart Resources and get several free ebooks and software downloads concerning blogging and RSS technology, go to and subscribe to the Blog Smart Resources Update Newsletter.
Do you blog? Bring visitors and buyers to your website by incorporating the uses of blogging and rss technology. Learn how at
Questions about this publicity release please email Keith at, or fax him at 978-285-0331
Web Site =
Contact Details = Keith P. Stieneke||5141 O Street Suite A 151||Lincoln , 68510||$$country||||402-817-2969||||