Skiing on a Payday Loan

Released on = January 30, 2006, 2:10 pm

Press Release Author = Clicks to Cash

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Clicks to Cash has determined that some consumers are
turning to payday loans when it comes to paying for ski trips.

Press Release Body = Clicks to Cash has determined that some consumers are turning
to payday loans when it comes to paying for ski trips. Even when it's done on the
cheap, skiing is an expensive sport, unless you're a pro and get all of your gear
and trips for free. Mere mortals have to pay.

Ideally, people should save up in order to pay for things such as ski trips.
However, sometimes events conspire to make that difficult. Water heaters break when
it is convenient for them, not for you. Car accidents happen when that
inconsiderate driver cuts you off and forces you to swerve, not when you've got the
money to spare. For some consumers, these situations happen just before their ski
trip. They've made their reservations and booked their travel and then their water
heater breaks the week before the trip, for example. They replace their water
heater, which eats up the money they were going to use to pay for ski rental, lift
tickets and food. So soon before the trip, canceling the reservations and tickets
might not be refundable, or at least not fully refundable. No one wants to lose
money for no good reason, so they look for alternative sources of funds to make the
trip possible. Some people use their credit cards, but a number of people are
obtaining a payday loan instead. These people have usually come close to maxing out
their credit cards with the room and travel, so they can't use it to pay for skis
and lift tickets. For these people, a payday loan can let them get their money's
worth out of the money they already spent on room and travel.

Clicks to Cash cautions consumers that payday loans are not intended to support an
on going budgeting problem. Using payday loans to support such a situation can
result in serious financial problems.

More information on payday loans and their uses can be found at

Web Site =

Contact Details = 7525 E Camelback Rd, Suite 210
Scottsdale AZ 85251

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