Patients urged to tell hospital workers to `wash their hands` to avoid hospital acquired infections

Released on = May 18, 2006, 10:06 am

Press Release Author = Betty Hoeffner, Executive Producer

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = If you have to go into the hospital it is critical that you
know how to protect yourself from infections. ABC\'s Nightline reports that more than
two million people contract infections while they are in U. S. hospitals annually of
which 90,000 die.

Press Release Body = If you have to go into the hospital it is critical that you
know how to protect yourself from infections. ABC\'s Nightline reports that more than
two million people contract infections while they are in U. S. hospitals annually of
which 90,000 die. According to an article in the Washington Post, \".....Patients
with hospital-acquired infections spent many more days in the hospital, underwent
more extensive procedures and were seven times more likely to die, deaths that many
experts say were largely preventable. Though the findings were from a single state,
industry analysts said the problem of hospital-acquired infections is universal.\"

What can patients do to protect themselves? One of the ways, according to ABC's Dr.
Tim Johnson, is to ask every doctor and nurse to wash their hands before they touch
you. Even if you are little timid, ask.

In the award-winning patient safety film, \"Things You Should Know Before Entering
the Hospital,\" ( a hospital nurse admits she has never been
asked to wash her hands by a patient but says she would gladly comply if someone

Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen, authors of \"YOU: The Smart Patient,\" said that
"patients can protect themselves by aggressively insisting on clean hands. The rule
is that everyone - doctors, nurses, orderlies - must wash their hands between each
patient. If you don\'t see them do it, ask them to. Also, make sure your visitors
wash their hands and have hand sanitizer available for them to use." Their book has
numerous tips that can help a patient avoid infection.

\"Human error is a fact in healthcare just as in the rest of life, and we all must be
educated on what to be watchful of regarding things that might go wrong,\" said
Martin J. Hatlie, Esq., President of Partnership for Patient Safety.

Arm yourself with information about patient safety before you go into the hospital.
There are many resources on the internet and at libraries.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Betty Hoeffner
3750 N. Lake Shore Dr
Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: 773 348 8681

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