New Seasons of Archaeological Training Excavations at Ewell and Syon House for Summer 2007 Archaeology, Faculty of Continuing Education, Birkbeck, University of London

Released on = March 20, 2007, 7:23 am

Press Release Author = Archaeology Desk, Birkbeck College, London

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = The Faculty of Continuing Education, Birkbeck, University of
London is once again offering popular archaeological excavation training excavations
on sites in Ewell (Hatch Furlong) weeks beginning April 23rd and 30th April 2007 and
Brentford (Syon House) weeks beginning June 11th, 18th and 25th and July 2nd and 9th
2007. Attendance on the training excavations is open to new and current students,
members of archaeological societies and all others interested in learning about and
experiencing archaeological excavation. The cost for a weeks' training excavation
(Monday to Friday) is £185.

Press Release Body = Each separate archaeological training course lasts for one week
and is designed for both beginners and those more experienced in archaeological
fieldwork who wish to develop their excavating and recording skills. The course
count towards the practical requirements needed for Birkbeck awards in Field
archaeology and Archaeology. Students are assessed on the basis of site work,
records and an essay (15 CAT points at level 1).

The Ewell Archaeological Training Excavation The second season of excavation at
Hatch Furlong is intended to provide more information on the nature of the Roman
site, which will enable the owners, the notational trust, to develop a management
plan for the archaeological resource. The first season, in 2005, clarified the
location and nature of Roman features first excavated in the 1970's, including deep
shafts indicating ritual activities on the high ground above the Roman settlement of

Hatch Furlong, Ewell, Surrey
15 CATS points at level 1

The Birkbeck course codes for Ewell are:
FFAR087U ACB Mon 23 - Fri 27 April 9.30am - 5pm
FFAR087U BCB Mon 30 April - Fri 4 May 9.30am - 5pm

The Syon House Archaeological Training Excavations Fourth Season will be carried out
in conjunction with Syon Park and the Museum of London Archaeology Service at Syon
House. Syon House, the London home of the Duke of Northumberland, is built on the
site of the only medieval Bridgettine abbey in England, founded in the early 15th
century. At the time of its suppression in A.D. 1539, the abbey was one of the
wealthiest in England. The site is beautifully situated at the rear of the historic
Syon House. Students will be uncovering remains of the medieval Abbey, as well as
later, formal garden features relating to the post-medieval aristrocatic House.

Attendance on the Training Excavation is open to new and current students, members
of archaeological societies and all others interested in learning about and
experiencing archaeological excavation.

Syon House, Brentford, Middlesex

The Birkbeck course codes for Syon are:
FFAR085U ACB Mon 11 June - Friday 15 June
FFAR085U BCB Mon 18 June - Friday 22 June
FFAR085U CCB Mon 25 June - Friday 29 June
FFAR085U DCB Mon 2 July - Friday 6 July
FFAR085U ECB Mon 9 July - Friday 13 July

Further Information and Booking

Please contact Natalie Ping on the Archaeology desk quoting the code given for each

Web Site =

Contact Details = Natalie Ping
Birkbeck Faculty of Continuing Education, 26 Russell Square
London , WC1B 5DQ
+44(0)20 7631 6627

You can also enrol directly with Birkbeck by completing the form available at or enrol by calling central enrolment on
+44(0)20 7631 6651 quoting the course code for the week you require.

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