Synamatix Announces Release of Bioinformatics Solutions for Second Generation Sequencers
Released on = April 23, 2007, 8:53 pm
Press Release Author = Synamatix
Industry = Biotech
Press Release Summary = Synamatix announced today the release of two new software applications designed to process and analyse data from large-scale re-sequencing projects conducted with second generation DNA sequencing platforms.
Press Release Body = Kuala Lumpur, 24 April, 2007 - Synamatix announced today the release of two new software applications designed to process and analyse data from large-scale re-sequencing projects conducted with second generation DNA sequencing platforms.
Robert Hercus, Synamatix Managing Director, commented, "SXOligosearchT and a modified version of SynaSearchT have been released to address the growing explosion of data from the increasing use of the 454-Roche and Solexa-Illumina DNA sequencing platforms. These applications were developed as part of an ongoing strategy to complete a suite of high-throughput applications to process, analyse and integrate data from every type of second generation DNA sequencer."
The first application, SXOligosearch, is designed to map short sequences such as reads from the Solexa-Illumina genome sequencer or oligonucleotide microarray probes. It offers a very high degree of flexibility in terms of handling a wide variety of read errors or mutations. In addition, more than a 100-fold improvement in performance compared to conventional tools is observed. Unlike other industry standard alignment tools, SXOligosearch aligns complete reads rather than HSPs resulting in higher specificity and sensitivity. It is also able to handle low-quality reads containing any number of mismatches, insertions or deletions with high accuracy and superior performance.
A new version of SynaSearch, modified to process and map reads from the GS20 and FLX platforms from 454, has also been released. Careful optimisation has resulted in increased accuracy, specificity and a 200-fold improvement in performance compared to standard approaches.
By using SynaBASET as a common platform, various types of reads can be mixed to increase coverage and deepen support for differences that are identified between data sets.
Synamatix's other high-performance applications based upon SynaBASE, its unique structured network database platform, include SynaTreeT, SXPRESearchT and SXProbeDBT.
About Synamatix The fundamental technology underlying Synamatix software applications is the proprietary "SynaBASE" platform. Applications built upon this database platform exhibit very significant improvement in scalability, sensitivity and performance. Synamatix is a privately held next-generation bioinformatics company whose primary activities are based upon ongoing R&D related to its core technology, development of new software applications, and the support of its user base in the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia.
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Contact Details = Patricia Chan Marketing and Communications Synamatix 27-9, Level 9, Signature Office, Bandar Mid-Valley, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia