DYLE-PALMER RECEIVES `MAKING A DIFFERENCE AWARD` COO of Parents as Teachers honored by Annie Malone Children and Family Service Center

Released on = May 3, 2007, 9:03 am

Press Release Author = Kristen Johnson

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Cheryle Dyle-Palmer, chief operating officer of Parents as
Teachers National Center, is being honored by the Annie Malone Children and Family
Service Center with its "Making a Difference Award." The award recognizes
individuals and businesses that go to extraordinary lengths to affect a positive
change in the community.

Press Release Body = ST. LOUIS, May 3, 2007 - Cheryle Dyle-Palmer, chief operating
officer of Parents as Teachers National Center, is being honored by the Annie Malone
Children and Family Service Center with its "Making a Difference Award." The award
recognizes individuals and businesses that go to extraordinary lengths to affect a
positive change in the community. She will accept the award the evening of May 18 at
the May Day 2007 Soiree Celebration - "We Are Family" at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel
in the Khorassan Room.

With more than three decades of experience, Dyle-Palmer has dedicated her career to
educating children and enriching families. At Parents as Teachers National Center,
she offers extensive knowledge in education, child development and organizational
management. She is responsible for administering the National Center's programmatic
area, including parent educator training, curriculum development, and research and
evaluation. She oversaw the organizational merger of Parents as Teachers National
Center with Minneapolis-based Meld, another nationally recognized family service
organization. She was also instrumental in developing a culturally sensitive
curriculum and an overarching protocol for encouraging diversity at the National

As a testament to her dedication to children, Dyle-Palmer is involved in Leadership
St. Louis and Child Welfare League of America where she was the former chair of the
Public Education sub-committee of the Crisis in Work Force Task Force. She currently
sits on the leadership team for the Center for the Study of Social Policy
Strengthening Families Initiative. She also serves as a board member of Neighborhood
Houses, is a member of the Blue Ribbon Panel for the future of the National
Benevolent Association, is a panel member for the United Way Allocations Committee,
and sits on the Steering Committee for the China/U.S. Conference on Autism and the
board of Interfaith Partnership. Dyle-Palmer volunteers more than 20 hours a week
with Centennial Christian Church as the lay administrator, deacon, Sunday school
teacher and choir member. Last year she received the St. Louis American's Salute to
Excellence Award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the field and
the community.

Before joining Parents as Teachers National Center in 2002, Dyle-Palmer served as
vice president of children and family services for the National Benevolent

About Parents as Teachers National Center
Based in St. Louis, Parents as Teachers National Center is the resource base and
backbone of Parents as Teachers, a parent education and early childhood development
program serving parents throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten,
usually age 5. The nonprofit National Center oversees approximately 3,000 programs
offering Parents as Teachers services nationwide as well as in several other
countries. For more information about Parents as Teachers, visit


Web Site = http://www.parentsasteachers.org/site/pp.asp?c

Kristen Johnson
(314) 432-4330, ext. 248
E-mail: kristen.johnson@ParentsAsTeachers.org
2228 Ball Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63146
(314) 432-8963 fax

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