Plus Size Clothing Takes Center Stage With Fashionable Clothing and Trendy Styles
Released on = July 17, 2007, 6:44 pm
Press Release Author = Sumiyyah Abdur-Rasheed
Industry = Retail
Press Release Summary = Fabulous plus size clothing can be found online with great fashions, quality materials, and trendy styles. The key to finding the right clothes for your personal style and figure is to find the right designer who caters to your needs.
Press Release Body = Only a decade ago, plus size clothing was relegated to the basements of department stores and one lonely clothes rack in the back corner of boutiques. But fast forward to today, and see that the opposite is true. Plus size clothing is front and center in the fashion world with fresh styles and extended sizes as more and more fashion consequence women look for styles that fit their personality and their lifestyle. In fact, the Plus Size Clothing Industry is exploding with an estimated $76 billion in sales in 2006, which is expected to reach the $100 billion mark by 2012.
Just as fast as the growing trend for supplying plus size women's clothing is the trend for women to be able to shop online for this clothing. There is a tremendous surge to purchase fashionable designer clothing online as today's shoppers find companies that cater to them and their unique needs. According to Sumiyyah Abdur-Rasheed, president of SWH Apparel, "It's difficult to mix and match to achieve a total look. Women are searching for cute flirty clothes that express their personalities and attitudes without compromising fashion taste. The true ingredients for success are fit, functionality and style. Fortunately, with the right online store you can achieve all of this."
Another need that today's women are longing for is styles that are trendy and upscale and can quickly go from office wear to evening fashions with a change of a few accessories.
Consumers are finding these fashions with places such as SWH Apparel,, which not only sells quality plus size clothing, but manufactures it as well. There one can discover luxury fabrics, beautiful tailoring, and exquisite details of their exclusive line of original fashions. The clothing is sized proportionately throughout the body allowing the garment to drape the body fluidly without constricting body movement.
SWH's slogan says it all. "Our clothes don't hang - they fit!" Stop by today to view their sizzling new collection for 2007 as well as to get a preview of their holiday fashions. For more information visit or speak directly to the designer herself, Sumiyyah Abdur-Rasheed, at, 866 627-7082.