Questico has over 100 specialists in vedic astrology and karma astrology
Released on: October 1, 2007, 7:02 am
Press Release Author: Questico Gb Ltd.
Industry: Consumer Services
Press Release Summary: Not only is Bollywood currently a big hit. Vedic astrology and karma astrology are up and coming. The life advice portal, Questico has over 100 specialists in vedic astrology and karma astrology.
Press Release Body: Vedic astrology is still used in India as an integral element of important life decisions. As in the case of Aishwarya Rai, the former Miss World and one of the best paid female stars in Bollywood. She was once married to a tree. You may ask yourself how that could have been possible: quite simply, this is what happens when two Indian superstars get engaged. As happened in "Abishwarya", the Indian equivalent of Brangelina; when Aishwarya Rai got engaged to her fellow Bollywood actor, Abhishek Bachchan on the 14th of January 2007.
Abhishek Bachchan is not only one of the best-looking Bollywood stars he is also the son of "Big B". Amitabh Bachchan is one of the best known public figures in India. The BBC itself often reports on the most influential actor in the world. But this isn't enough. When Aishwarya married Abhishek Bachchan, she not only married into a dynasty, but also a family with strong beliefs in astrology. Apparently it took Abhishek seven months to persuade his family that Aishwarya could boost the dynasty.
The problem was Rai's birthday, which falls on 1st of November 1973. She was born as a "Manglik", and those born in this Mars constellation should only marry other Mangliks and so Aishwarya, the bride, was first married to a tree. This might sound strange to those unaccustomed to Hindu traditions but in India it certainly makes sense. Because Indian culture is strongly linked to Vedic astrology. Some local astrologers are priests too, and rank very high in society. Important decisions in India are generally made after consulting horoscopes as with the free horoskope-advice by Questico. This caused the date for the India's independence to be postponed to allow a more propitious horoscope for the newly-independent country. Vedic astrology has close connections to the concept of karma. The vedic horoscope seeks advice by karma from the past, the "unalterable past and its probable future". This can be confirmed by Questico astrology advisors too. And if this has whetted your appetite, you don't have to be Aishwarya Rai in order to take advantage of Questico's advice. One phone call is enough, and the first one is even free.
On Questico:
Questico GB Ltd is the leading UK address for advice through astrology, horoscope, tarot and other card readings. The leading esoteric portal features advisors on issues about life, love, career and luck; they are available for guidance around the clock.