Florida Schools Get Moving With New PE Requirement - Discover How Brain Gym Can Supplement These Programs at Upcoming Seminar

Released on: November 9, 2007, 7:51 pm

Press Release Author: Diana Ennen/Publicist

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: With the new requirement for 30 minutes of P.E. in Florida\'s
elementary schools, more students are getting more active and healthier. Another
program that many schools are adding is the Brain Gym Program by Dr. Paul Dennison,
which is movement-based learning. Dr. Dennison is presenting a seminar in West Palm
Beach in February and educators are encouraged to attend.

Press Release Body: With Florida\'s renewed interest in exercise and fitness, thanks
to the new requirement for P.E. in elementary schools passed by Florida Legislature
after the prompting of Governor Charlie Crist, more and more classrooms are
implementing fitness programs. The results are extremely encouraging as students
add additional exercise during morning announcements, recess, during P.E. classes,
and even sitting at their desks or waiting in lunch lines. What teachers and parents
are discovering is that these students are not only enjoying these exercises, but
often taking these fitness ideas home and asking to do them there as well. It\'s

When students feel better physically, they perform better academically and enjoy
learning more. When specific movements are performed with intention, the physical
skills required in the classroom are mastered and increased mental acuity can be
developed by each and every child. The good news is that there are program options
available that can even further increase student\'s learning and increase mental
health and wellness. One such program is Dr. Paul Dennison\'s Brain Gym(r) program,
http://www.braingym.com. The Brain Gym program is a movement-based system that
optimizes brain activity, while integrating the mind and body. The Brain Gym
movements have been proven so effective that many schools across the country now
offer Brain Gym in their classrooms, as more and more parents and teachers request
it for their children. The lessons taught are profoundly safe, simple, can be done
anywhere, and work well for all ages.

The system introduces simple physical activities to enhance a learner\'s ability to
process information, remember, and effectively respond. It uses quick, easy-to-do
developmental movements to \"wake up\" or \"relax\" the brain. Students experience
increased levels of focus, organization, communication, self-confidence and positive
attitude towards learning resulting in 20 to 50% higher test scores. Parents and
clinicians benefit as well, as it directly impacts readers\' motor, cognitive,
behavioral, emotional, visual, and reading skills. Students will discover they can
learn faster and more easily, be more focused and organized, start and finish
projects with ease, reduce stress, and overcome learning and behavior challenges.
Brain Gym is also an effective tool to share with individuals with learning
challenges such as ADD, ADHD, Asperser\'s, or Autism.

Educators will have the special opportunity to explore the Brain Gym program at the
upcoming Brain Gym Seminar \"Discovering Balance for Daily Life Seminar\" February 1-4
in West Palm Beach, Florida taught by the author. This seminar is a 32 hour workshop
that includes the 26 easy and enjoyable targeted activities to integrate the
brain/body/heart systems to bring rapid and often dramatic improvements in
concentration, memory, reading, writing, reading, listening, organization and

It takes the brain only seconds to learn something new, and people who do Brain Gym
movements say that the addition of even just a few minutes a day of these simple
activities; at home, at work, or in the classroom makes an enormous difference in
how they learn, feel, think, remember, and go about their daily lives.

Come and engage with others who believe movement is the key to whole brain learning
and overall better health and well being. For more information please contact Dr.
Patty Shackleford at 352.475.3311 or drpatty@pkconceptsinc.com. (Register Early).
Stop by the Brain Gym site today to learn more about the Brain Gym Program,
http://www.braingym.com. Dr. Dennison\'s latest book, Brain Gym and Me: Reclaiming
the Pleasure of Learning is available on Amazon and other leading bookstores. Dr.
Dennison is also available for media interviews by contacting publicist Diana Ennen
at diana@virtualwordpublishing.com.

Web Site: http://www.braingym.com

Contact Details: Dr. Patty Shackleford

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