Southern California Doctor Develops Innovative Program That Allows People to Stop Snoring After Just One Treatment

Released on: May 29, 2008, 3:41 pm

Press Release Author: Cathy Taylor, Creative Communications

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: Is Snoring Ruining Your Health and Relationships? Discover
this Doctor\'s New Method & Get a Good Night\'s Sleep

Press Release Body: Laguna Beach, CA - May 29, 2008 - Dr. Walter Fong, D.C.,
F.I.A.C.A., F.C.T.S, Q.M.E., a licensed chiropractor in Laguna Hills, CA since 1979
has developed the patent-pending Myostatic Rehabilitative Therapy that is being used
in his Silent Night Treatment program to eliminate snoring and obstructive sleep
apnea. Along with this program, Dr. Fong is an accomplished inventor including a
back and neck exercise machine used in rehabilitation and mobilization of patients,
as well as a posture analysis machine used for spinal analysis and scoliosis.

Dr. Fong explains why he created the Silent Night Treatment, "While I have devoted
my professional life to relieving the pain of others including relief from back and
neck pain, scoliosis and TMJ, I personally had a problem with snoring that was
driving my wife crazy. After enough sleepless nights, it occurred to me that I
should create something that would help me as well as others eliminate snoring.

"I discovered that many supposed products claimed to cure snoring including dental
appliances worn at night, various drugs, and even surgery. Based on their success
rates, I wasn't willing to do any of them. After much research which I used to
write a book, I knew that I had to come up with a unique way to reprogram the body
muscles that fights the affects of aging. Since then not only have I and my wife
stopped snoring, but so have many of my patients - some of them even from the first

Medical experts report that snoring can lead to obstructive sleep apnea and as a
result, has a profound effect on your health. Obstructive sleep apnea can be a
life-threatening condition in which a person stops breathing repeatedly during sleep
sometimes hundreds of times a night and often for a minute or longer. Other
diseases linked to snoring include obesity, hypertension and diabetes, as well as a
lack of deep sleep that causes daytime drowsiness and can lead to accidents.

S. Del Pizzo of Laguna Beach, CA said this about the Silent Night Treatment, "After
undergoing testing at a Sleep Clinic, I was diagnosed as having moderate sleep
apnea. To correct this, a nasal C-Pap was recommended and they also referred me to
an ENT Specialist for possible use of a mandibular device or surgery. Fortunately, I
discovered Dr. Fong first. His method is non-invasive and easy to perform. I got
positive results after the first week and after five weeks, my sleep apnea

Founded in 1979, Dr. Walter Fong owns and operates Fong Chiropractic based in Laguna
Beach and Fountain Valley, California and is the originator of the patent-pending
Myostatic Rehabilitative Therapy. His Silent Night Treatment program was developed
to help eliminate snoring and rehabilitate patients who are suffering from
obstructive sleep apnea. Dr. Fong is a Licensed Chiropractor, Clinical
Nutritionist, Certified Acupuncturist, Certified Thermographer, and Qualified
Medical Examiner. He has appeared on national TV in Window on Wall Street as well
as regional venues including Focus on Health in Orange County, CA. More information
can be found at or by calling (714) 965-1957.

Company Contact: Dr. Walter Fong (714) 965-1957
Public Relations Contact: Cathy Taylor (949) 635-4923

Web Site:

Contact Details: Cathy Taylor
77 Fuente
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
P: 949 635-4923
F: 949 635-4973

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