Life can be crazy, painful, challenging, exciting, stressful and fun all at the same time
Released on: July 31, 2008, 1:43 pm
Press Release Author: John Leavy
Industry: Education
Press Release Summary: offers the ideal format and the perfect 24/7 opportunity for men to gather, converse, investigate, grow and mentor other men.
The internet has become increasingly important to users in their everyday lives. It is also the case that for many of online Americans, the internet has become a crucial source of information at major moments and milestones in their lives. A Pew Research Center study shows that 45% of internet users, or about 60 million Americans, say that the internet helped them make big decisions or negotiate their way through major episodes in their lives in the previous two years.
Some 55% of all adult Americans now have a high-speed internet connection at home. With the acceleration of web sites, blogs and social meeting spots on the internet sources of poor advice, bad judgment and plain, wrong thinking are plentiful. It is increasing more difficult to locate sound, practical information one can use in making good decisions and in negotiating life\'s challenges.
Since Adam stood silently by Eve\'s side as the serpent tempted her to bite into the apple men have received a bad rap on being the \"strong, silent type\". The personas of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood have not done much to dispel this notion over the years. Men are uncomfortable being openly vulnerable or freely showing their emotions. The world would have them believe showing those emotions are signs of weakness.
But, men are indeed built to form friendships with other men and talk about their plans, accomplishments and victories as well as life\'s trials in dealing with stress, anger, burnout, loneliness, disappointment and failure. Men love and live for team sports and enjoy the bonding and camaraderie that takes place.
THE OPPORTUNITY TAKEN provides the gateway for men of all ages to the best information, content and resources on the internet today. Updates and additions are constantly underway to ensure the resources and information found on is relevant and timely in the lives of today\'s men.
Some men who visit may opt to stay anonymous. Anyone can view the postings, scan the storehouse of resources or purchase items without being a member. To make comments or join the different group discussions you\'ll need to be a member of All that\'s needed to join the community is a valid email address.
Prominent bloggers and subject experts weight in each month providing the \"best talk\" on the internet; on subjects like Family, Faith, Courtship, Marriage, and Love & Sex to Entrepreneurs, Abuse & Addiction, Careers and Entertainment plus others. Popular Christian bands and notable sports figures give their take each month on life\'s challenges in the spotlight. takes conversation to the next level by letting like-minded members join any of over 20 separate discussion groups where members can talk about the posted topics and give their own views on the subject.
Members can also avail themseleves of the top books, CDs, DVDs, pod casts, web sites and conferences relating to subjects from Addiciton to Work.
THE EXPECTED OUTCOME members lead a more satisfying, joyful, God-centered life-emotionality, spiritually, morally and physically. members:
. know their Heavenly Father and be the person He desires them to be . succeed relationships as a husband, son, brother and/or dad . leave their family a proud legacy . give younger men a hand up . have confidence, peace and reassurance in who they are, why they are here and have an understanding of their mission in life . have a heck of a lot of fun
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Contact Details: 96 Candle Lake Drive Divide, CO 80814 719-686-7537