Jim Du Molin Launches `Nine Truths of Internet Dental Marketing`
Released on: August 12, 2008, 2:35 pm
Press Release Author: The Wealthy Dentist
Industry: Marketing
Press Release Summary: In the wake of tough economic times, dental practice marketing guru Jim Du Molin has launched a series of video tutorials for dentists. \"The 9 Truths of Internet Dental Marketing\" describes how make dental practice websites profitable.
Press Release Body: Many professional groups are struggling to stay afloat in the current economy. Dentists are no exception. The public may think of dentists as universally wealthy, but a lot are tightening their belts as consumers reduce spending. Unfortunately, many Americans see dentistry as a discretionary expense and are cutting back their dental expenses.
Dentists who want to remain profitable will find dental practice marketing increasingly important in this competitive climate. With that in mind, dental website marketing guru Jim Du Molin has announced the launch of his new no-charge video tutorial series, \"The Nine Truths of Internet Dental Marketing.\"
\"My philosophy is that \'Profit is the natural result of doing what\'s right for your patients,\'\" said Du Molin. Along with his wife Suzanne, he has worked as dental management, marketing and financial advisor with hundreds of doctors. The two have spoken to thousands of dentists and their teams for almost every major dental association in North America.
\"This message is to alert dentists to what for many could be a major slow down in dentistry,\" Du Molin explained. \"The dental boom we have all participated in for the last eight years is coming to an end.\"
Du Molin is the founder of TheWealthyDentist.com, a dental office marketing resource. His \"Nine Truths\" video training series covers internet marketing, providing ideas that can help doctors generate more new patient appointment requests.
Why dental website marketing? \"First, there are still a lot of myths about dental marketing on the internet that need to be dispelled,\" said Du Molin. \"Second, the Internet is the one place you can still generate high-quality new patients quickly and at a reasonable cost.\"
Now retired from practice management, Du Molin has chosen to make these tutorials available at no charge. \"Our only hope is that they will help you to weather the turbulence of the coming months,\" he said.
The introduction is available for viewing now, and the first segment of the Nine Truths series will be released shortly. Truth 1, \"Goals: What Really Counts\" discusses what dentists can and should expect from dental internet web site marketing campaigns.
To receive the complete series, visit http://www.internetdentalalliance.com/9Truths.htm to register at no cost. Internet Dental Alliance members also receive access to additional information on dental website development.
Jim Du Molin is founder of dental marketing resource The Wealthy Dentist. He understands dental practice management from his work as a dental consultant, and now devotes himself full-time to Internet dental website marketing.