Washington DC internships guide inauguration

Released on: September 22, 2008, 11:19 pm

Press Release Author: seoanalyst

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: InternZoo.com would like to announce the publication of its
inaugural Washington DC internships guide. InternZoo presents niche opportunities in
Washington state, including paid summer internships in Washington, fashion
internships in Washington and also internships for non-profit organizations and

Press Release Body: InternZoo.com would like to announce the publication of its
inaugural Washington DC internships guide. InternZoo presents niche opportunities in
Washington state, including paid summer internships in Washington, fashion
internships in Washington and also internships for non-profit organizations and
magazines. To see all internships available in Washington, simply click (from the
drop down menu) or select Washington as your location and leave all other criteria
unchecked. The guide is available at career centers across the country or just visit
our site at http://www.internzoo.com/States/Washington-47.aspx to get internships,
Washington DC internships, paid internships in Washington DC, summer internships in
Washington DC, fashion internships in Washington DC and more.

The only state named after a United States president (can you guess which one?),
this Pacific northwest state is home to some of America’s most recognized companies,
including Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon.com, Starbucks, Costco, and for all the video
gamers out there, Nintendo of America. But don’t think the entire economy is in the
computer lab and coffee bar – Washington is a leading agricultural state, producing
hops and apples in large quantities.

Web Site: http://www.internzoo.com/States/Washington-47.aspx

Contact Details: www.internzoo.com
350 E 48th St
New York, NY 10028
(212) 591- 8400

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