Press Release Summary: These people can avail unsecured loans depending upon their repayment potential.
Press Release Body: There are many schemes available for both salaried and self employed people at the UK based money lending companies. Considering the emergency conditions wherein people living on benefits can need money all of a sudden, has come up with a scheme just for them. It is true that these people get so less money that they can barely meet their essential needs. In such case, lending them money is very risky. But is willing to help them and thereby is offering them loans too. The amount of loans they can avail depends on a number of factors. If the person needing the loan can place any collateral, he or she can avail higher amounts equivalent to the asset value. In such cases, the interest rate is even lower than the unsecured loans. The scheme also includes provisions for people who cannot place collaterals. These people can avail unsecured loans depending upon their repayment potential. The minimum amount you can get under this scheme is 500 pounds which can be increased if you have better repayment potential. Interest rates start at 5 per cent for unsecured loans and can increase for people with very bad credit rankings. At, applicants with bad or no credit can also apply for loans. You can also apply if you have a Ccjs pending against you. You can also use these loans for consolidations provided you can afford to repay that much amount.
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