Released on: March 23, 2010, 8:28 am
Author: Engage Mutual
Industry: Education
A group of economics students from St Aidan's & St John Fisher's Associated Sixth Form in Harrogate, took up a challenge thrown down by Yorkshire-based Engage Mutual to help improve local young children’s understanding of saving on Thursday 25 February.
The sixth formers developed and delivered a morning of fun and interactive lessons around saving and money to a Year Two pupil group comprising 73 delighted six and seven year olds, from Oatlands Infant School in Harrogate.
Head at Oatlands Infant School, Elizabeth Robson, commented:
“This project has been an exciting way of giving our children an introduction to the importance of saving and working with money- both vital life skills. It has been great for them to have this delivered by the Sixth Form students in such a fun and interesting manner.”
Part of a wider initiative to improve financial capability, the sixth formers have been improving their own money knowledge, having recently completed a course in their free time run by Engage Mutual at their offices. The course concludes with a challenge for the sixth formers to take an element of what they have learned and communicate it to a younger audience in a fun and interesting way.
Engage Mutual Chief Executive, Andrew Haigh said:
“Where better to start helping families and future generations secure their financial futures, than with children? Working with schools is an incredibly valuable and informative experience for us. We always learn a great deal from the clarity and simplicity that young people can bring to communicating quite complex financial issues.”
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For press information please contact :
Kathryn McLaughlin
Engage Mutual
01423 855245
1. The Foundation in Financial Services & Money Management is a nine week course providing grounding in issues such as budgeting, cash flow, debt, mortgages and loans, protection and investments. For the students, who are on the verge of post 6th form lives centred on university and work, it is an opportunity to learn more about the world of money that is awaiting them.
1. engage Mutual Assurance is a trading name of Homeowners Friendly Society Ltd (HFSL), Registered and incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act 1992, Registered number 964F and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, engage Mutual Funds Limited (eMFL) and engage Mutual Insurance Ltd (eMIL). Both HFSL and eMFL are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). HFSL’s Register number is 110072, eMFL’s Register number is 181487. eMIL is authorised to conduct general insurance business by the Financial Services Commission Gibraltar and is regulated by the Financial Services Authority for the conduct of UK business. eMIL’s FSA Register No is 485680. You can check this on the FSA’s Register by visiting the FSA website or by contacting the FSA on 0845 606 1234.
2. engage is one of the larger UK mutuals providing simple, value for money savings, protection and investment products. It currently helps over 440,000 customers of all ages to protect, preserve or enhance their welfare, with some of the most straightforward products on the market. Engage prides itself on being a family-oriented, modern mutual, providing products that help enable households of all kinds to plan their finances to help meet their future needs. More information on engage Mutual is available at
3. engage supports mutuality, friendly societies and the regional financial services industry through links with the Association of Mutual Insurers, the Association of Friendly Societies, Mutuo and Leeds Financial Services Initiative.
4. engage Mutual Funds Limited (EMFL) is a provider of the Child Trust Fund direct and in partnership with organisations including Yorkshire Building Society and Scarborough Building Society.
5. engage Mutual has been the title sponsor of the Rugby Super League since 2005 and has extended its agreement to 2010.
7. engage Mutual announced its entry into the health cash plan market in July 2008 following an agreement of partnership with Wakefield & District Hospital’s Contributory Scheme (WDHCS). Further to this, 30,000 health cash plan customers transferred from Premier Health Benefits (part of WDHCS) to engage Mutual Insurance Ltd
Contact Details: Kathryn McLaughlin
Engage Mutual
01423 855245