The World's First Ever “Drowsy Driving” Educational Handbook Published


Released on: March 19, 2010, 3:32 am
Author: Martin S. Jenkins B.E. (Civil), Dip.Bus.Studies (Fin.)
Industry: Education

People are finally being told the truth about the dangers of“drowsy driving”, largely thanks to the efforts of sleep safety researcher and campaigner Martin Jenkins.

Jenkins’s educational campaign has this week taken a major step forward with the World-wide publication of his drowsy driving handbook, AKILLA® “In the blink of an eye”, on Amazon Kindle.

Described by Jenkins as a “passport to survival”, In the blink of an eye presents readers with the facts on drowsy driving and what can and should be done to address this hazard to road users.

“In the blink of an eye” aims to fill the knowledge gap by telling you the must knows about ‘drowsy driving’, says Jenkins.

“It identifies the causes of drowsy driving – when, where and why you are most at risk to drowsy driving such as afternoon driving, after a plane flight or fast food or while on medication. It then tells you what are the best ways for you to avoid drowsy driving and the steps you can take to minimise your risk of being a drowsy driver.

“This book dispels some drowsy driving myths. It tells you what things won’t revive you when you are feeling drowsy.”

While drowsy driving has long been recognised in some countries as a major killer on the roads, it has been largely ignored or downplayed by transport authorities and policymakers.

The attitude of complacency and unwillingness to face up to the reality of drowsy driving prompted Jenkins to launch his campaign and to write the book to wake up all road-users to the dangers of drowsy driving and educate them on how to recognise and minimise drowsy driving risk factors.

Visit the following Amazon Kindle link to purchase AKILLA ‘In the blink of an eye’

Contact Details: Martin S. Jenkins
P.O. Box 10386, The Terrace, Wellington 6143
New Zealand