Today Is The Best Time To Buy A Home -Rates Are At Their Lowest Ever And Qualifying For A Mortgage Is About To Get Real Tough
Released on: June 28, 2010, 3:24 am
Jeffrey Martino Young @ Essex Mortgage Bank
Real Estate
Essex Mortgage Bank is Happy to announce that the average
interest rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 4.69 percent,
with an origination fee of 0.7 percent, in the week ending June 24,
according to the latest Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey.
That's the lowest ever recorded since Freddie Mac started keeping
track in 1963. If you are looking for a home the supply is endless and
the prices are at a all time low.It is definitely a buyers market and a
wise man would be either buying or refinancing their home mortgage
right now !!
Secondly the
days of
liar loans are
dead. Instead
you'll find
more paperwork
is needed to
prove you truly
can afford to
make the
If the final bill passes both houses of Congress -- still not a certainty, since
Republicans are likely to try to block it -- homebuyers seeking a mortgage will face
new minimum underwriting standards for home mortgages. The details of those
standards are not yet available, but you can be sure that no-money-down loans will
no longer be available, even in the private mortgage marketplace.
These no-money-down loans that were approved using stated income -- in other words,
borrowers did not have to prove income -- will be history and against the law.
Instead, lenders will have to verify borrower income to make a loan. Self-employed
people will definitely find it much harder to buy a house, especially if they don't
have two years of income tax filings to prove their income.
Also gone from the marketplace will be those commissions for brokers that reward
them for steering borrowers into more expensive loan packages with higher interest
rates. That's good news, since many borrowers were steered into more expensive
subprime loans -- even though they could afford a prime loan -- because brokers
often made higher commissions off the subprime option.Call us today we have many
loan programs available to fit your needs and are friendly crew is more then happy
to get you pre-approved for your next home purchase.Jeffrey Martino Young Branch
Manager for Essex Mortgage Bank in Santa Rosa,Ca.95404 toll free 1-877-870-2676
Contact Details: Jeffrey Martino Young at Essex Mortgage Bank
1585 Terrace Way Santa Rosa,Ca.95404
Toll Free 1-877-870-2676
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