The ICMA Centre Announces Promotion For Dr Adrian Bell



Released on: August 26, 2010, 4:20 am
Author: ICMA Centre
Industry: Education

The ICMA Centre has announced the promotion of Dr Adrian Bell.

Dr Bell will be promoted to Professor on 1 October this year. Dr Bell, who has been with the ICMA Centre since 1994, has been instrumental in the development of both the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in his role as School Director of Teaching and Learning. He also developed the distance-learning option for the ICMA Centre's suite of Masters in Finance degrees with the Centre's New Media Solutions Manager - the first distance learning Masters in Finance degrees in the UK delivered using e-lectures.

Professor John Board, Director of the Centre commented: "This is excellent news both for Dr Bell and for the Centre. It is very well deserved and recognizes the significant contribution Dr Bell has made to the development of the Centre."

Dr Bell's primary research interest is in the history of finance and he is currently working on a major project funded by the ESRC with Professor Chris Brooks (Chair in Finance) which will investigate the early and innovative use of credit finance by a succession of English medieval monarchs. This three-year project, which ends this year, is detailed on the ICMA website and builds upon the work the same team carried out during 2004/5 for another ESRC project entitled "Modern Finance in the Middle Ages? Advance Contracts for the Supply of Wool". For outputs, interested parties can visit the UK Data Archive, study number 5325, at

This research has been of much interest to the media following the credit crisis and Dr Bell has appeared on both radio and television programmes over the past two years to provide insight into previous financial crises experienced in the UK.

About the ICMA Centre:
The ICMA Centre at Henley Business School, University of Reading is unique and has an international reputation for undergraduate, postgraduate finance courses and executive education for the financial markets.

Established in 1991 with funding provided by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) in Zurich, the Centre’s state-of-the-art facilities are among the best in Europe. Housed in its own award winning building the Centre contains the largest simulated dealing facilities in Europe as well as outstanding teaching and research space.

For more information on this Press Release or the ICMA Centre, please contact:
Lucy Hogg
Marketing Manager
ICMA Centre
Henley Business School
+44 (0118) 378 6496