Released on: November 11, 2010, 5:15 am
Lek Boonlert
Industry: Industrial reveals Malaysia’s Langkawi will be hosting a unique conference dedicated to the latest developments in Islamic economics, financial issues and banking.
The Langkawi International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance (LIFE 2010) is now in its second year and will act as a platform for members of the industry to discuss recent topics and share ideas while dealing with challenges faced by organisations.
The conference has called for submissions of academic papers to address the question of how sustainable development in Muslim countries can be achieved through economic policies in respect of Maqasid al-Shari’ah.
Maqasid in Arabic stands for goals or purpose and related to al-Shari’ah there are five of these Maqasid which include maintaining religion, life, lineage, intellect and property. Attendees to the event will be able to hear the opinions of key members of the industry who will be speaking at the conference about processes and policies that need to be established to achieve the foundational goals.
Also under review at the event will be how monetary policy can be utilised to achieve successful results in a system that follows Maqasid al-Shari’ah. Attendees staying in a hotel Langkawi can hear all of the latest news when the conference takes place from 13th to 15th December 2010.
Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: “The conference is a time for leading industry members to get together and discuss research and share ideas. Hotel rooms around the dates of the conference will see an increase in demand and delegates are therefore advised to book well in advance.”
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For further information please contact Lek Boonlert:
Tel: + 66 (0)76 241 145