Make Your Clothes Personal This Spring



Released on: March 28, 2011, 04:45 am
Author: Ian Brookes
Industry: Retail

Ian Brookes, founder of online workwear retailer has highlighted the site’s innovative workwear clothing personalisation service as an important tool which could be used to help work forces around the country.

Not satisfied with simply providing a quality service which supply’s the UK’s work forces with quality discounted workwear, Brookes has gone a step further and provides a full clothing customisation service which is proving increasingly popular not just with work forces but sports teams alike.

How fitting it is then that the eBrookes mantra is, “Making clothes personal”.

“We are finding our customers really want to make the most of the clothing they buy from us, and because we price our workwear at such a heavily discounted price, it is affordable to do so,” explained Brookes

“It can be generic text or a custom made logo which we can print or embroider on a range of clothing which really makes you stand out from the crowd.”

“We have recently been attracting a lot of interest from sports teams who customise their team jerseys and kit bags which really does give the attire a professional and high quality look.”

Ian Brookes also had his view on how personalised workwear can aid a workforce in more ways than one;

“In terms of workwear personalisation, I feel it’s has become so popular because it gives the workforce a greater sense of belonging and identity which promotes a more positive attitude. Generally when workers are happier they are more productive”.

So it’s not just a smarter workforce but potentially a more productive one which can be achieved with the help of personalising your workwear clothing.

The eBrookes brand has been providing quality and affordable workwear to workforces around the country for seven years, offering an extensive range of quality and durable garments at unbeatable discounted prices. eBrookes provide a range of Hi Vis and personalised clothing which are ideal for workforces and teams, from established brands such as Dickies, Regatta, Fruit of the Loom, and Carhartt.

For more information visit

Contact Details: Brookes (UK) Ltd
PO Box 352
SK11 0WA



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