Released on = January 8, 2005, 8:11 am

Press Release Author = Will

Industry = Management

Press Release Summary = A person can benefit from forums in many different ways. Probably the most important is the exchange of ideas and information. There are forums on any subject imaginable from lawn mowers to animal husbandry and everything
in between. Some unique ideas come out of these open discussions.

These forums are also a way to get to know people with similar interests from around the world

Press Release Body = This international networking provides not only information and friendships but invaluable business opportunities. People that do not utilize these forums are missing a wonderful opportunity to not only obtain valuable information but to promote their web businesses.


A forum attached to a website brings a number of benefits to the site owner. First and for most as the membership of the forum increases it makes the site more sticky. That simply means that the members of the forum must return again and again to the website in order to gain access to the forum thus creating traffic to the site that can develop additional sales of your goods and services. The owner of the forum has the ability to send bulk emails to all members thus creating a no cost venue for advertising. As the membership of the forum grows the strength of the advertising impact is proportional.

A direct source of revenue is the selling of banner ads. The revenue produced by this is directly related to the number of members on the forum. Obviously ads on a forum with ten thousand members can command a much higher price than an ad on a
forum with 1000 members.

Whenever you post on your own forum it also links back to your website which is an obvious advantage.

Web Site =

Contact Details = calle 10;



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